Saturday, April 24, 2010

Peter Sellar lecture

The well-being that we're living on is based on other people's non-well being. And they are karmically linked. What is the real cost to everything around you. What are the things that you don't see? That is the real deal. What is real are the things that we're not allowed to say. And it's not that it's not there; it is, it just doesn't come up.
Art is invented to talk about the things we can't in real-life. The silence is the damage. Violence comes because we're not allowed to talk about something. It is art because it is about being skillful talking and doing things that are provoking. Art is used to activate the imagination. Activate an alternative.

Are you who you are or what everyone imagines you to be?
Actions that took no sacrifice resonates no meaning. It' s not until people see you something hard, they don't respect you. They need you to do something amazing because they earned that. Create a focused space of what you care about. Power is in concentration. You know it of sports and meditation, etc. Everything you are, you recognize it. And you honor it.

Everything that you're carrying with you; you recognize and you honor it. Announce everything you care about. Declare your independence. Instead of keeping inside, it's outside and it's shared. (African culture)

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